Frequently Unasked Questions. (FUQ)

Q. Can you help me write my resignation letter?

We can do no better than offer Richard Nixon's resignation letter as an example. If you are particularly lazy, you can simply print it out and using a Sharpie marker, cross off the parts that don't apply to you and write in your own information. What better way to show you really care than to use the actual text of the most famous resignation letter in history.

Q. I’m already doing what I love. Should I quit?

Who could advocate not doing what you love. If you are already doing what you love, don't stop. This is what we're trying to get everyone else to do.

Q. I don’t have a job. What can I do to help?

Get a job. Any job will do. A corporate cafe, a department store, a web design sweat shop. These jobs are easy to get, but more importantly they are easier to quit! As an insider you can spread the wisdom of quitting and your impact will be that much greater.

Q. I just quit my job, now what do I do?

First go to Twitter and Instagram and let everyone know how you did it. Use the hashtags #QuitYourJobDay and #QYJD.

Nothing is more inspiring than hearing the success stories of people who have quit their jobs. There you might also find suggestions of what to do after quitting your job.

We're certain there are things that you've wanted to do that having a job has interfered with, so do those things. Eventually you'll probably need money for something, so updating your resume or register a corporation.

Ideally you should be looking for a job you actually like or working for yourself.

Q. I’m a business owner. Should I quit my job?

No matter how hard we thought about it, we couldn't come up with a rational reason the self employed would benefit from quitting their own jobs. Unless you don't like what you do, in which case see the appropriate section in "Reasons to quit your job", we can't in good conscience tell you to quit. We will offer you some advice, however. If you have them, some of your employees are going to be leaving their positions... soon. We suggest you offer them raises on the spot.

Q. Are you Communists? (Socialists, Marxists, Sexists, Racists, etc?)

Far from it. We're actually libertarians in favor of an individual's free right to self determination. In that regard we believe everyone should think for themselves and join our cause.

We also disapprove of discrimination based on gender identification, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity, political belief, race, religion, lack of religion, spoken language, or cultural background.