Reasons to quit your job

The number one reason is for youself.

For the Children

Every year children are born in alarming numbers. Without the "Young Upwardly-Mobile Persons" (Yuppies) creating a necessary vacuum in the lower level jobs, hundreds, if not thousands, of children might be born without the hope of an entry level job upon graduation. Clearly the effects of Quit Your Job Day would help millions of children achieve their pre-natal goals of a rewarding career.

Personal Financial Growth

Most people are underpaid from the moment they start their first job. The reason for this is because an updated resume would show their most recent work experience, increasing their value in the marketplace. With very few exceptions, the normal career path is one of uninterrupted salary growth, with the highest increases occurring shortly after being hired at a new job. Think of Quit Your Job Day as accelerating the normal Darwinistic cycle of salary fitness for your personal career species.


The Economy

It's no secret that our national economy is in dire straights. Not since The Great Depression have we heard such upbeat predictions from our national leaders, a sure sign that we are headed in the wrong direction. You may be asking yourself "But what can one person do?" The answer is simple: Quit Your Job. In market economics there are two driving forces; These are Supply and Demand. If there was a coordinated mass termination, there would be an immediate effect on the employment marketplace. Employers, lacking a substantial measure of their workforce, would be forced to pay higher wages to attract employees. Think of it as ad-hoc collective bargaining in a non-deterministic free market. Or just think about how screwed your boss would be when everyone quit at once. In short, everyone who participates is likely to get a raise.

Defectors get the shaft

Quit your job. Everybody's doing it. Well, everyone except you. Imagine, for a moment, that Quit Your Job Day has arrived. The vast majority of your coworkers, being intelligent, emancipated, self-directed individualist quit en-masse. Your boss, desperate to maintain his middle management status, will pile an ungodly workload upon the remaining staff employees. You, being the brightest of those who remained, might even receive a ceremonial title such as "manager", but much like a field promotion to “Captain” in The Charge of the Light Brigade, it will prove nothing more than the harbinger of doom. Soon new people will be hired. Their higher salaries will only aggravate you and in time your employee of the month awards will seem pale comfort for the days and weeks of extra work you were forced to undertake for no real compensation. We think you should simply quit your job like the rest of us.